Solidarity with Worker Strikes -
Winter 2024

I made these posters in solidarity and support of all the workers and unions striking all across the Lower Mainland (and the rest of Canada). At the time of writing, some groups protesting unfair wages and treatment include: janitors at Vancouver International Airport, Canada Post postal service workers, longshore workers with ILW Local 502 and hotel workers with Unite Here Local 40, many of whom are also migrants in precarious conditions.

The labour movement is incredible for many things, but also for the amount of catchy slogans created over time. Here are the references for these posters

  1. Labour is entitled to all that it creates: not actually sure who said this first. It's a slogan I've heard, read and seen again and again over the years working as a researcher in the cooperative economy.

  2. Makibaka Huwag Matakot: Tagalog anti-fascist slogan (meaning "Dare to struggle, do not be afraid") originating in the 1970s and used across many different causes: feminist rights and labour rights to name a few.

  3. Eight Hours to Work, Eight Hours to Rest, Eight Hours to Do What We Will: Slogan from the Eight Hour Work Movement during the 1910s-20s, although it was through one of Angela Davis's many lectures posted on youtube that I heard it first.

  4. An injury to one is an injury to all: Famous slogan originating from the the IWW / International Workers of the World.


None of us are free / No one is illegal (2024)


Restful Holiday (2024)